As well as advising on IT Strategy and Architecture, I develop some software myself. Two consistent characteristics of solutions I provide are "Out of the Box" thinking and a desire for high-quality, flexible user interfaces. This extends both to end-user solutions, and to tools provided for developers.
Unfortunately, commercial confidentiality limits what I can publish about the end-user systems I have worked on. This page therefore concentrates on speculative developments, and products which have arisen as by-products of my mainstream work. Some of these products are available for purchase, and others could be developed by interested parties. I hope they will all serve to demonstrate my belief in giving both end users and developers flexible, powerful tools not limited by "lowest common denominator" functionality and platforms.
RelQuest is a tool to support Fault Tree Analysis of hardware and software system reliability. It is based on a simplified modeling approach, which allows analytical (and therefore almost instantaneous) evaluation of the model. It supports base events, AND, OR and VOTE gates. It is now available for download on a shareware basis. More Details...
Coming soon...
ConQuest is a prototype visual container control and planning system for Microsoft Windows™. It enables all users, from the gate operators to the planners, to do their work in real time, using intuitive visual displays, which give a clear picture of the yard. More Details...
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