Andrew Johnston: Architecture and Consultancy Services
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IT Knowledge and Education

Languages, Databases and Environments

Python/Django for web UIs and REST APIs, JSON, YAML, CouchDB
VB/VB.NET, ASP.NET  (all versions), Basic4Android, C++ and Nokia QT
XML, XSD (XML schema), XSLT, and their use in EAI
Java and various java-based technologies including JMS, JAXB, JSF and others
VBA, VBScript, Active Server Pages, PHP, CSS, WordPress
EAI tools including Oracle Fusion, BizTalk, JMS, MSMQ and bespoke messaging
Oracle, including distributed databases and various tools (SQL*Forms, PL/SQL)
Linux/Unix, including C, Bourne Shell, Perl, Awk and X-Windows. OpenLDAP
Windows, including the 16-bit, 32-bit, 64-bit and .NET APIs
Virtualisation and cloud hosting including VMWare and Amazon Web Services
Jira and Confluence

Communication Skills

Publishing credits include “A Hacker’s Guide to Project Management” – light-hearted project management advice for the new project leader, now in its second edition
Papers include "Modelling the Enterprise Data Architecture"
Conference presentations include “The Benefits of EAI” for the Enterprise Architecture Conference 2011, "Agile Architecture", "Communicating the Enterprise Architecture", "The Pragmatic Approach to Quality" and "Getting the System Sizing and Performance Testing Right"
I offer training courses in testing and object-oriented analysis and design
A highly experienced user of tools such as Microsoft Office and various web technologies for electronic and paper-based document delivery
A good working knowledge of French
I run the website exploring the use of agile methods in architecture, and the role of the architect in agile developments

Education and Affiliations

1979 - 1982: Lancaster University. B.Sc. (Hons) 1st Class in Physics.

1972 - 1979: Chepstow School. 10 'O' Levels, A Grades at 'A' Level in Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, including a distinction on the Physics special paper.

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